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In Europe, people are becoming increasingly overweight. Therefore, scientists are shedding light on the situation. According to recent research, Turkey emerges as the country with the highest percentage of obese people in the region.
Let's take a look at the top five countries in Europe where obesity is a worrying trend, and what scientists have to say about it.
Turkey tops the list as the fattest country in Europe, but why are Turks actually the fattest? Several factors contribute to this worrying trend. A combination of cultural, social, economic, and dietary factors plays a role here.
Changing Eating Habits: In recent decades, Turkey has seen a shift from traditional, healthy dietary patterns to more processed foods, fast food, and sugary drinks. This has led to an increase in calorie intake and a decrease in the nutritional value of the diet.
Increasing Prosperity: With increasing prosperity in Turkey, access to food has become easier, leading to an abundance of calorie-rich food and snacks. A lack of financial constraints can lead to overeating and an unbalanced diet.
Sedentary Lifestyle: Like many other countries in the world, Turkey is dealing with a sedentary lifestyle, where people spend more time sitting and less time engaging in physical activity. This lack of exercise contributes to weight gain and obesity.
Urbanization: Rapid urbanization in Turkey has led to changes in lifestyle and dietary patterns. People in urban areas often have less access to healthy foods and are more exposed to fast food restaurants and convenience food.
Cultural Factors: Traditional Turkish dishes are often high in fat and sugar, which can contribute to an unhealthy diet. Additionally, social norms and cultural beliefs play a role in the acceptance of overweight and obesity in society.
All these factors together have led to Turkey's status as the fattest country in Europe.
Malta ranks second, where obesity is also a growing problem. A combination of a Western diet, sedentary lifestyle, and genetic factors contributes to the high percentage of obese people in this country.
Greece is in third place, where a traditional Mediterranean diet has given way to more processed foods and fast food, contributing to an increase in obesity among the population.
Although the United Kingdom was long one of the fattest countries in Europe, it has made progress in combating obesity. However, it remains a concern with a significant percentage of obese people.
Hungary is in fifth place, where a growing number of people are dealing with obesity. Social and economic factors play a role here, in addition to changes in dietary patterns and lifestyle.